Once you take the lid off a jar of stories, they'll spread. And no one can tell a Duke's story better than a Duke's fan.
This is a Tik Tok social media campaign designed to spread like wildfire. In partnership with Timia Roberts, Hayden Taylor, & Stella Tessarollo.
This campaign received the following awards:
First Place in VCU's Robertson Rush,
voted on by representatives of Duke's Mayonnaise and Familiar Creatures Ad Agency in Richmond.
In our research, it became clear that the one true way to breathe life into the Duke's Mayo on Tik Tok, was to do so through the oldest form of sharing to exist: storytelling. The numbers didn't lie, with the #storytime on Tik Tok has over 166.6 BILLION views.
But we knew it wasn't OUR stories that needed to be told. It was the stories of those who know the brand best! The fans.
Our concept became to call on the fans of Duke's to submit their stories via the hashtag #spreadyourstory or create their own videos to be featured on the Duke's Tik Tok page.
And, guess what?! Duke's agreed with us. Upon presenting this to the representatives of Duke's Mayonnaise, we won 1ST Place in the Robertson Rush Creative Sprint, after pulling this together in less than 72 hours.
Hey, that's me!